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The Amazing Order Loyalty

BLPA- In room 149, there is an order named Loyalty. The teacher is Mrs. Beary, and she loves her class, so I decided to talk to her about the order of Loyalty. All students at BLPA are in an order or a house. I got the chance to speak with one of the most amazing orders, Loyalty.

The two students I interviewed said they love their order because they can get away with a lot of things. One of the things they can get away with is playing games on the chromebooks, and “Mrs. Beary doesn't walk around the room unless someone asks for help.” Mrs. Beary said, “The students are very fun, and they love to talk, but my favorite thing about the order is seeing the students making relationships with one another.” She also said, “Helping students make their grades better is my favorite part of the order.”

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