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My Opinion on Bullying

All around the world kids are constantly being bullied, and most of the time it never stops. Kids are either too afraid to tell an adult or scared of what will happen if they do. If you do tell a teacher most likely the issue will get resolved, but what about when they come back? Do you attempt to ignore them, or stand up?

I personally think that standing up to them and telling them that they can’t control you is the best way to handle it. It would promote the idea that you are fearless, and the bully would most likely stop picking on you. Developing confidence would protect you against bullying even more. I am not encouraging you to hurt them in any way, but tell them off. If they hurt you, immediately go to a teacher. If after doing all of that nothing changes, then ignore them. Don't let them make you miserable, it's your life do what you want. Whatever happens do not become the bully, that would just make things worse.

If you are feeling alone or scared talk to a counselor. Talking to a counselor, despite what others think, is the right thing to do and can improve the situation greatly. Though sometimes you feel like you are all alone, you are never alone. You will always have someone there for you.

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