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Should We Choose to Have Homework?

BLPA-Should we choose to have homework? Most kids would say yes, but as much as we wish we could say NO to homework, that isn’t how it works. Homework is to test if you have been paying attention during that class. Most of the time homework is based on what you learned that day in class. Kids would love it if they could not have homework, but sadly that is not how our school runs. I could get why kids don’t want homework! First, kids just want more free time to watch YouTube or do useless things. Kids could also not understand what they learned during that class and when they get home with the homework they definitely won’t understand anything. Teacher’s usually give out the homework at the end of class so asking your teacher to basically reteach the lesson at the end of class is not going to work. So yes, although students do not want homework we actually do need it.

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