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The Disease That Keeps Spreading: Smoking

Smoking is terrible for you, and it does terrible things to your heart and lungs. Over 20.9% of the people in the U.S. smoke a cigarette daily, that is an estimated amount of 36.5 million people. Most of these people understand what is does to your body, yet they still do it. Some believe smoking can help people deal with stress and make the body feel happier. While this may be true, smoking does awful things to not only your heart and lungs but your brain as well. Over time, smoking can put people at a higher risk of lung cancer, blood clots, heart attacks, and heart disease. To help quit smoking, people may use electronic cigarettes that are less harmful and contain less nicotine, which is the addictive substance found in cigarettes. While the electronic cigarette does have less nicotine, it still has the same effects as a regular cigarette. Not only does smoking harm you, but it is harmful to the people around you, too. Someone breathing in secondhand smoke is worse than smoking in the first place. In conclusion, smoking has many consequences and can affect your whole body and the people around you.

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