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Why Is It Such A Crime To Have Piercings At BLPA?

BLPA-Dear everyone with a facial piercing at Banning Lewis Preparatory Academy,

are you tired of getting nagged and yelled at by teachers and staff to “take that thing out of your face!”? Yeah, I am too. If you look in the dress code it states a very strict list of what piercings you can and can’t have at our school, it’s pretty ridiculous if you ask me.

With piercings, certain ones should be allowed under the circumstances:

  1. If the student has a navel or septum piercing he/she could wear it as they please since it’s one of the smaller body modifications.

  2. If the student has a lip piercing, he/she may only have a stud instead of a ring. That way it won’t be so “distracting”.

  3. If the student possesses a tongue piercing, that shouldn’t even be an issue considering the ring is inside of your mouth and hardly noticeable.

I could go on and on with a longer list but I’m trying to get my point across first. I’m saying we should have more freedom with what we wear; we already have to dress in uniforms so we should at least get a say in what we put on/in our face. Piercings are one of many things people get to express themselves and to showcase their style, so why hold us back from showing our true colors? Culture also intertwines with this rule too. Some cultures such as Indian, Kangan, and many more allow piercings with everyday life. Why does the school board think they have right to stop the way of different lifestyles? And it’s not like we’re hurting or bothering anyone with our jewelry, so I don’t see a reason to stop wearing it.

Whenever I get yelled at to take out my piercing, it’s always the same excuse; “It’s distracting to other students.” but is it really? Even if that were the case, it isn’t our fault others choose to stare at us for it, if anything blame them for getting “distracted” with it. But seriously, if you’re going to ban piercings in your facility then at least have a good excuse to backup your reasoning.

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