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Braces: Why do we have them?

BLPA-I think that braces are extremely helpful. Braces are helpful because they straighten out your teeth and help you have a nicer, more presentable smile. Yes, braces can be painful, but 99% of the time they are totally worth it. Right after you get braces, your mouth hurts like crazy. After about a week, the pain starts to go away, then you can finally eat like a normal person again, instead of wincing everytime you eat something. After getting braces, you will go back to the dentist/orthodontist once a month to adjust your braces and wire. There are three different types of braces: metal brackets which are usually made out of stainless steel, clear braces which are either made out of porcelain or plastic, and aligners (Invisalign) polypropylene plastic. On average, people usually wear braces for about eighteen months to two years. Some people have to wear their braces longer than two years. It all depends on the way your mouth is. Yes, braces are painful and are terrible to have, but in the end, you won’t regret it unless your teeth move back in the future.

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