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How to Get Slime Out of Your Carpet

Though slime is fun to play with, it can be extremely messy and hard to remove from furniture. But what do you do when slime gets in your carpet? Definitely don’t pull the slime out of your carpet, it will make the mess worse.

The easiest way to get slime out of carpet is to take a wet towel (with warm water), and wring out the water on top of it. Let it dry for a while, scrub it, and it should be all out. Another reliable way to get slime out of your carpet is take toothpaste, put it in a cup full of warm water, mix it with a spoon, dip a towel in the toothpaste, and scrub the slime out. The slime must still be wet for the toothpaste to work. If the slime is dry, then, add hot water to it to make it thaw a bit, pour baking soda over the slime, and scrub. After a while take a dry towel and scrub. If you don’t have baking soda take vinegar and scrub it out. Surprisingly you can also use ice cubes to scrub it out of the carpet. If you don’t have gloves to scrub the slime out, use socks.

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