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Totally Red

BLPA-Totally Red is a play that Mrs. Montel’s class put on for the year of 2018. Totally Red was created by Dinah Toups. This play has seven sections, six of which were played by Mrs. Montel’s class. The sections are the opening, the original story, the overacted story, the Shakespearean story, the hip story, the hippy story, and the musical story. Mrs. Montel's class did not do the musical play though.

In Totally Red, Penelope is Woody the woodsman for “The Perils of Being Miss Red”. This scene is about Little Red Riding Hood at her granny’s house. The wolf is disguised as granny, and Red doesn’t notice until Wolf takes his costume off and reveals himself. Red is so shocked she screams, then Woody comes to the rescue and pushes the wolf away from Red. Wolf interrupts Woody from flirting with Red with a nasty snarl, and the pair throws Wolf in jail leaving Woody to walk red home.

We had to wait 20-25 minutes for the cast of Totally Red to get ready, as another play was on before. The beginning was a little unusual, but as it went on it got funnier and funnier. First there was how it all started where Little Red met the Wolf. Then the wolf played a trick on Little Red to make her think the Wolf had to go somewhere. Instead he took a shortcut to Little Red’s granny’s house. So time went on and the wolf played granny pretty well until the moment Little Red asked about how big his mouth was. Then the character Woody came along and save the day. It was fun to watch and most of the audience was laughing. The most confusing part was the last part where everyone spoke at the same time. After the play was done the cast went back up to Mrs. Montel’s classroom

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