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Shaquem Griffin: Single-Handed Success

Shaquem Griffin was born one minute apart from his brother, Shaquill Griffin, on July 20, 1995 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Griffin’s childhood was marked by Amniotic Band Syndrome, causing his fingers to not fully develop. At age four, the pain progressed to the point where they had to amputate his fingers. Despite missing his hand, he continued to enjoy sports, taking part in baseball, track, and football. Later on, he found a passion for football, leading him to his current success. Griffin played alongside his brother, Shaquill, through high school, college, and most recently the Seattle Seahawks of the NFL. Shaquem Griffin had a spectacular college career, taking a smaller team to a major bowl game, and winning that game. Shaquem was recently drafted to the NFL, an unbelievable feat giving hope to amputees and people in general that their dreams are achievable regardless. Griffin teaches most a very important value which Muhammad Ali described as “will needing to be stronger than skill” to succeed.

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